July 14, 2017

Вот блокчейн и до новых оргструктур добрался. Пыщь-пыщь организации будущего, Фредерик Лалу и прочая eusociality.

"-- Do you think that Blockchain can enable different approaches to organisational structures (for example greater decentralisation)?

-- That’s exactly what people are experimenting with right now. People are looking at different governance models. You’ve got the bottom-up approach of SwarmCity. You’ve got projects like Colony, who want to change the way people collaborate. It’s like a project management tool on blockchain for the gig-economy. You combine reputation with tasks, immediate payments systems and a way to align incentives so people get paid for the value that they add. They call it Direct Meritocracy."


Blockchain and the Agile Organisation

When I wrote about trust relationships in business the super-smart Gerrie Smits left a comment on the post about the potential impact that Blockchain might have on this relationship. Rather intrigued…