July 17, 2017

Jessica Hall, Senior Director of Product Strategy & Design в компании 3Pillar Global, пишет о том, что на самом деле, по ее опыту, больше всего мешает делать крутые продукты. Сюрприз! Это конфликты и хреновая групповая динамика в продуктовых и межпродуктовых коллетивах.

It was supposed to be a simple web project. Our client needed a site that would allow users to create, deploy and review survey results. Aside from some APIs that weren’t done, I wasn’t very worried about the project. I was surprised that my product manager was spending so much time at the client’s office.

Then, she explained the problem. It seemed that the leaders of product, UX and engineering didn’t speak to each other and, as a result, she had to walk from office to office getting information and decisions.

When two people have a bad interaction, they can work it out or let the conflict grow, spreading it to other team members and their leaders.When two people have a bad interaction, they can work it out or let the conflict grow, spreading it to other team members and their leaders.

When two people have a bad interaction, they can work it out or let the conflict grow, spreading it to other team members and their leaders.

The conflicts probably started small. One bad interaction, then another, then people don’t like each other, then teams don’t work together well. The small scrape becomes a festering wound that slows things down, limits creativity and lowers morale.


Team Conflict: Four Ways to Deflate the Discord that’s Killing Your Team

Interpersonal relationships and team dynamics can be tricky. We often eschew the values of team work and working together, but balancing relationships when everyone has a good idea is tough. Jessic…

Пару лет назад я пришел ровно к такому же выводу, после чего серьезно пересмотрел, как я вижу свою карьеру в продуктах, поменял работу и сделал theteamcanvas.com, бесплатный темплейт, который помогает хромым командам встать на ноги.

The Team Canvas is Business Model Canvas for teamwork. It is a free tool for leaders, facilitators and consultants to organize team alignment meetings and bring members on the same page