Good news everyone! Чуваки из InVision выпускают аж три электронные книги — про продакт дизайн, дизайн-мышление и дизайн менеджмент.
1/ Principles of Product Design by Aarron Walter
Product design is hard. Like any craft, there’s a lot to master to become a great product designer. These industry tested best practices will help you and your team design better products, faster.
2/ Design Thinking Handbook by Eli Wooler
What is design thinking and how can it spread throughout an organization? Learn how design thinking can help your team and company bring insightful, user-driven solutions to even the thorniest challenges.
3/ Design Leadership Handbook by Aarron Walter and Eli Woolery
Transitioning to design leadership can be challenging for individual designers. These proven insights from design leaders will help you gain confidence as a leader—and the skills to build a first-class design team.
А теперь самое классное: все три книжки можно прочитать бесплатно. Вообще выпуск намечен на следующий месяц, но читателям Пончика получится полистать их уже сейчас.
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