July 20, 2017

В 2014-2016 гг я работал в Филипсе а Голландии в должности со странным называнием Digital Innovation Designer. Часто у людей возникали вопросы типа "Soooo, WTF are you, dude?"

Вот статья, которая, похоже, дает исчерпывающее описание этой области от крутого лондонского дизайн-консалтинга Made By Many.

"Working together with a company in the right way, and delivering something exceptional leaves a permanent mark. It changes the way people work and think. Doing it is a powerful way of learning it.

The way we partner to co-design and collaborate very closely across every stage of the lifecycle through ideas, insights, design, prototyping, making, scaling and operating is an incredibly powerful learning experience. You don’t get this if your partner works inside a black box, or handles the engagement in a top-down way.

For the longest time (again, even before Made by Many) we considered these very positive impacts simply as beneficial ‘side-effects of making together’. We discussed the value of them, going right back, but decided they were pleasing by-products and that we were solidly about making first.

Over the last two years, however, we have totally re-considered. Today, we understand that ‘the change bit’ is actually the most valuable part of what we do and that ‘the products’ and ‘the making’ that motivated us so much as practitioners are merely a means to an end.

It turns out that a collaborative and open Product Design process is a really powerful lever for helping companies navigate towards that digitally transformed future state. Whatever you do, the average future state looks a lot like a self-managing Lean and Agile product innovation team within a software-driven business.

This is why we’ve switched things about. ‘Digital transformation’ (loathsome a phrase as it is) is now front-and-centre as Made by Many’s ultimate goal and headline mission, and the product kind of weirdly becomes a ‘by-product’ of ‘Change by making’. We are consultants who make."


WTF is a ‘product-led digital transformation’ anyway?

I did a short talk at Neil Perkin’s most recent Google Firestarters soirée a couple of weeks ago.