July 21, 2017

Мотивационное: как понять, что вам пора, и не задерживаться, чтобы чуток еще себя помучить.

"Quitting something that’s hurting you more than it’s helping you is not always a bad thing.

+ Don’t quit going to the gym just because it’s hard. Going to the gym is good for you.

+ Don’t quit your job just because you don’t love your boss. You need money in order to survive.

But if every morning it’s a struggle to get out of bed

because you hate your life so much, it might be time to consider quitting.

Perhaps what you’re doing is not in line with your values. When you’re not aware of what your values are, it’s easy to live by someone else’s values. If you don’t choose your values, inertia will pull you into conformity with culture or the expectations of other people. Further, your values may also change over time."


The Lost Art of Quitting

Why it’s so hard to quit, even when it’s in our best interest