May 11, 2018

Alex Baldwin, designer at Simple Casual in SF compiled a short list of resources for effective behavior design:

"Behavior design gives us an organized and specific model to define and foster behavior change. This field is known academically as Captology (Computers as Persuasive Technology) and originates with Professor BJ Fogg's work with the Stanford Persuasive Tech lab."

1) Behavior First, Design Second | | Why should behavior precede design? As designers, are we only amplifying existing human desires or modifying them?

2) Behavor Grid: 15 Types of Behavior Change | |What are the different types of behavior change? Should you treat all types of behavior change the same?

3) Behavior Model | | If your behavior is abstract (ie. eat better), define a more precise behavior (ie. eat salad once a day).

4) Habit Design with BJ Fogg | | 40 min intro video from the guy who invented contemporary behavior change techniques

(via HackDesign)

Behavior First, Design Second

An Interface and Product Design blog by Joshua Porter